
是的, you can complete the 赌钱app可以微信提现 律师助理 Certificate entirely remotely!


The prerequisite/introductory courses are offered in the ONLINE format every fall, 春天, 夏季学期, and occasionally in the "winterim" session.*

  • LAW 120 Introduction to 律师助理 Studies (3 credit hours)
  • LAW 121 Introduction to Law (3 credit hours)

If you already have an associate of arts, 科学副学士, 学士, 或美国大学的研究生学位.S. 地区认可机构, 你必须在律师助理课程的第一学期之前或期间以“C”或更高的成绩完成这些课程.

If you do NOT already have a qualifying degree, 在被律师助理录取之前,你必须完成这两门课程加上ENGL 121作文I的“C”或更高成绩. You may apply to the program while you are in process of completing these courses.


Because we are an ABA-approved program, 学生必须在同步学习环境中完成至少9个学分的课程. That means the course must provide required, 在整个学期中安排由学生和教授参加的会议.

我们的核心必修课程每年秋季和春季学期以在线混合形式提供.* 在线混合课程提供:

  • Real-time interaction with faculty and fellow students on a regular schedule
  • 灵活地访问远程课程,并在线提交作业,项目和测试

Online hybrid courses are taught live online, 意思是在网络环境中与你的教授和同学进行同步(实时)互动. 教授通常使用ZOOM®进行课堂会议,您需要通过摄像机和麦克风充分参与这些实时在线课堂会议.

全部岩心完成, 通过赌钱app可以微信提现的必修课程将为您提供18学时的学期学分和9学时的同步互动, 符合美国律师协会最低要求. If you are transferring to 赌钱app可以微信提现 from a不her paralegal program, 请 refer to the “Transfer Students” section at the bottom of the 律师助理入学要求 说明页面.


The majority of our elective courses are offered in the online format, 没有安排必要的会议. 律师助理 Certificate students must complete 8 credit hours of elective coursework. Not every elective is offered every semester, but we typically offer 4-5 electives every fall and 春天, 每年夏天有1-2门选修课.

*我们继续提供以下产品 校园 选项:

  • LAW 120 and LAW 121 春天 and fall semesters
  • 100-level required courses (LAW 132, LAW 134, LAW 195) every fall semester
  • 200-level required courses (LAW 201, LAW 205, LAW 271) every 春天 semester
  • 偶尔选修课程

All course offerings are dependent on enrollment numbers.


To be successful in an online hybrid course, you will need access to:

  • 一台可靠的计算机
  • a high speed, reliable Internet connection
  • 一个printer-scanner
  • 带麦克风的网络摄像头

另外, 你需要有一个没有干扰的环境,在那里你可以在大部分时间打开你的网络摄像头,这样你就可以充分参与课堂会议. 如果你担心隐私问题, you may use a virtual background or blur effect to hide your environment. 教授可能会允许你在特定情况下偶尔关掉相机.

技术要求可能会改变,教师可能对特定的课程有特定的要求. Please review recommendations in the course listing before you enroll, and reach out to the professor if you have questions. 赌钱app可以微信提现也可能有资源来帮助学生获得适当的技术参观学生基本需求中心.

是的. 无论课程如何进行,内容和学习目标都是完全相同的. 你应该通过在线/远程课程获得与传统校园课程相同的高质量教育机会.

赌钱app可以微信提现律师助理项目的所有教师都完成了在线学习管理系统(Canvas)的专门培训。. 以在线混合形式授课的律师助理教师已经完成了在这些课程中使用虚拟会议应用程序的额外培训. As you will 不 be attending a physical class session on campus, 在线混合课程和在线课程将要求你作为一名学生更多地参与其中, 老师, 还有其他学生.


在线混合课程要求以预定会议时间的形式与教师和其他学生进行同步(实时)互动. Those meetings occur via various online meeting or conferencing applications (e.g.,放大®). 大多数律师助理项目的在线混合课程将采用多种互动形式来改善学习环境. 就像传统的, 校园课程, 你应该在整个学期的预定时间参加班会.

在线课程完全在线授课,不需要与教师进行同步(实时)互动. An online course might include some synchronous interaction with faculty, 而是律师助理项目, 这些可选的会话将被记录下来并与您共享,以便在您方便时进行回顾. 在线课程旨在提供最大的灵活性:你不需要承诺特定的会议时间表,可以远程完成你的工作.

然而,在线课程是  self-paced—they have regular deadlines. 律师助理项目的在线课程可能包括预先录制的讲座或迷你讲座, additional websites or articles to review, 参与论坛讨论, engagement in collaborative activities with small groups, and other interaction formats to enhance the learning environment.

For a description of all 律师助理 course formats, watch this 4-minute video 项目主席格温达·霍克说. 


  1. 浏览课程表
  2. Click on “Continue to 学分课程时间表 搜索”
  3. 点击“浏览课程”
  4. 选择合适的术语
  5. Enter "Legal Studies" into the Subject field and then click “搜索” butto

The results list all courses offered for the 律师助理 program that semester. The columns labeled “Course Delivery Format” and “Meeting Times & Locations” indicate the course delivery format and when and where they meet.

Face-To-Face (F2F) courses (also referred to as traditional, 校园课程s)

律师助理项目的这类课程每周在校内修满三个学分. 你可能仍然需要使用学习管理系统等在线工具备课或提交作业.

  • The “Course Delivery Method” lists “Face-to-Face”
  • “会议时间” & Locations” column shows one or more grids with days highlighted to represent the specific schedule for class meetings; the Building field that shows the location and the start and end dates for the course appear to the right
  • 网格旁边的“建筑”字段突出显示了校园内的具体位置.



  • The “Course Delivery Method” lists “Online”
  • “会议时间” & Locations” column shows only one grid, with no days highlighted
  • The “Building” field next to the grid with days lists “Online Course.”

Hybrid (HYB) courses – hold meetings on campus

  • The “Course Delivery Method” lists “Hybrid”
  • “会议时间” & Locations” column shows two or more grids. One grid that has no days highlighted appears in all HYB courses, 而其他方格则突出显示了所选择的日期,以指示班会时间表. The start and end dates for the entire course appear to the right of this grid.
  • 网格旁边的“建筑”字段突出显示了校园内的具体位置.

Online Hybrid (ONL HYB) courses – hold meeting sessions on the web

  • The “Course Delivery Method” lists “Online Hybrid”
  • “会议时间” & Locations” column shows two or more grids. One grid that has no days highlighted appears in all ONL HYB courses, 而其他方格则突出显示了所选择的日期,以指示班会时间表. The start and end dates for the entire course appear to the right of this grid.
  • The “Building” field next to a grid with days highlighted lists “Online Hybrid”


  • The day(s) highlighted indicates what day(s) of the week the course meets
  • 网格右侧列出的时间告诉你课程的时长(通常是一到三个小时)。

When courses do 不 meet every week of the semester, a separate grid will appear for each scheduled class session. Position your cursor over the “Meeting Times & Locations” field to see the specific dates for each scheduled class session. 或者,您可以单击该课程打开一个弹出窗口,以便查看该课程的详细信息.